Earlier this year, WhatsApp suggested a big change—letting users pick a unique username for their accounts. Recent signs show they’re still working on it. The idea is to give users an option besides sharing their phone numbers on the platform.
Create Usernames on WhatsApp
In the latest WhatsApp beta for Android (version, the username feature made a comeback. But, just so you know, beta testers can’t try it out yet, according to WABetaInfo.
WhatsApp just got an update that brings a new search feature for usernames. It’s different from your usual WhatsApp name. This upcoming feature lets you have your own special username, so people can find you easily in the app. The goal is to make connecting on WhatsApp simpler, without having to share your phone number.
This cool new feature makes it easy. If someone gives you their username, just type it in the search bar, and you can chat with them directly on WhatsApp. Easy peasy!
WhatsApp is about to give you a cool privacy boost with usernames. Perfect for those who don’t want to share their phone numbers. They’re still testing it out, but soon beta testers will get their hands on WhatsApp usernames. Exciting stuff!
WhatsApp is getting a cool upgrade inspired by Telegram. Soon, you’ll have your own username, and unlike Telegram, it’s all about giving you more control. You get to decide who starts the chat using your username. Nice, right?
WhatsApp is spicing things up with usernames. Users are excited, hoping it’ll make chatting smoother and more enjoyable. Can’t wait to see the changes!
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