The last day to update Aadhaar data online for free is September 14, which is quickly approaching. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has extended this deadline many times, raising questions about whether more extensions will be granted. The previous year’s extensions on March 14 and December 15 were preceded by the most current one, granted on June 14.
What Aadhaar Details Can Be Updated Online?
Holders of Aadhaar cards can change some information online. In particular, you can change your address by bringing in legal documentation for your Proof of Address and Identity. If it has been ten years since you last changed your address, this online service is free. However, your Aadhaar has to be connected to the same mobile number to get OTPs, which are needed for online logins and updates.
Updates to other information, including your name, mobile number, or photo, require a visit to a centre authorized by UIDAI. Your Aadhaar information is kept correct and up to date with the help of these centres, which offer support for updates that cannot be completed online.
Update Aadhaar Card Online: Know The Steps
You can easily update your Aadhaar data online from the convenience of your home, and the process is simple to follow. Take these actions to make sure your information is up to date:
- Visit The Aadhaar Self-Service Portal
Visit the Aadhaar Self-Service Portal by going to the official UIDAI website.
To log in, use your Captcha code, One-Time Password (OTP), and Aadhaar number. You will get an OTP on the registered mobile number.
Navigate to the Document Update area after logging in. Make sure your current information is correct by reviewing it.
From the drop-down menu, choose the proper document type. For verification, upload scanned copies of the original paperwork.
Your update request will be assigned a Service Request Number (SRN) upon submission. Keep this number close at hand to monitor the status of your upgrade.
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